Dec 18, 2005 18:07
So I was stuck at my Grandmas house all weekend, which wasn't quite as bad as it would sound. I got to see my little 3 year old cousin, and we made a gingerbread house and I got more of my Christmas shopping done. Now all I have left are my Dad, Matt, and Ben. All guys. God I hate buying stuff for guys. And I might buy some stuff for a few more of my friends if I'm not completely broke after buying for the guys. I still am not quite sure what to get him. Jeez, I hat shopping for guys.
In other news... I got my hair cut!!! It's so cute, and I love it very much. Much better than how it used to look, but maybe that's just me. :D Tomorrow is monday, already! This weekend went by wayyyy too fast. Bla. Whatever. I get to rank on Tuesday... along with jenny! That makes me uber happy. And tomorrow hopefully I get to go watch the little Graminains christmas concert with Ben, which would be hilariously entertaining. Which reminds me that I need to call him later, see how the ski races went, as well as if he has pictures of Alanna dressed as an elf cuz she had to work the Woodbend hall thing. Wish I could've gone, but oh well.