Everything on here is the roughest, rough copy.

Jun 11, 2011 09:35

There is truly no deficit we, as the collective American people, suffer from more than that of our moral poverty. This is said as a general observation of the subsequently profound repercussions in society. Rock bottom is now a place all too real for a large percentage, no longer something the personal fable can distract you from. Its real and it grips you. Stripped of any transitional phase, we have been throw into hardship by our own selfish doing. Still, we continue to dig. Oblivious to any form of immediate resolve, society has become entirely absorbed in its own self destructive plans. Rather than search for the cure, no effort is put toward finding a fix. It must be nice to be born into the lap of luxury: a world within which, to you, no known boundaries exist. No wants, for they are filled more easily than the needs of others, and no perception of inability. For the rest of us, the silver spoons inherited, if any, were found rusted. The precious sheen, it's luster of hope, lost before gotten.

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