A friend of mine
burndt_jamb posted a bunch of links, and among them was this one...of a
blog. and man, i have to say that it makes me feel 10x better about my job. I mean, don't get me wrong, I heart my job, I just feel like I'm ready for a change sometime soon, not necessarily a job change, but a change in life kind of change, a change where I'm scared shitless yet excited at the same time kind of change. I don't know how I am going to accomplish said change or if desired change will happen, but I feel it coming up on the horizon so to speak.
I really don't have alot of updates. I mean, come on, I don't really do much. I go to work, I come home, I talk with people, I write, I go on facebook, and read my gossip column. That's a typical day.
Ashley's birthday. She wants to do something fun, and I want to as well, but I have yet to figure that out. All I know is that
transparenteye2 told me of a new cupcake shop downtown in the pavilions and sounds amazing. And then post birthday, Ashley wants to go to see STOMP at the Buell theater.
--Um, I think St. Patty's day is in there, so that will be a great excuse to pretend I'm still in college.
--Oh, and, and, and.....I'm going to CUSE the last weekend of March!!!! I am so excited, I miss CUSE so so so so much. And I'll finally get to go back and see Newhouse III, and go to happy hour at the Sheraton, and Chuck's, and of course see all my beloved Cuser's that are still there.
--Jen's Wedding! I get to go spend lots of money to stay on the Outer Banks in North Carolina for the weekend. But it'll be worth it. And an added bonus would be if I had a date or at least a companion for the weekend.
--My brother's birthday. He'll be 19 I think. or 18. sheesh. time flies.
--Paris! yes, yes yes, you read that right. I need some adventure, some change, and what better way than to go spend a week in Paris?? Yea, sounds good to me. Going May 18-26. Should be amazing times, and I'll get to see my old high school friend!
Okay, I think about 3 months out is good enough for updates, don't you think?
As for other updates...ummmmm.....I'm still going to spiritual advising. I am getting bored of praying to Jesus, so my guy said I should try praying to Mary, so that's exciting. (yes, that was sarcasm) I have kept my room clean lately, which is a huge plus for me. Anyone that knew me in college knows that this is very atypical of me to have a clean room. Guess I'm growin' up.