Icky Toliet

Jan 10, 2009 20:58


i jsut watched fantastic four, not too bad.  i realy liked it, i think that im starting to get into superheros because of ender.  its cool though, ill be the bad ass mom that gets him comic books and the latest action figures.  :)

so i get up this morning and i didnt have my glasses and i went to take my morning piss, and i sit down do my thing in the dark and after i flush im still sitting there and water and sewage and nasty is flowing alll over my feet and the toliets running and running and i cant see and i started yelling and teh whole bathroom flooded and it was gross so i threw my bathtowels on it and went to work.  AND i callled maintence and when i got home seven hours later my mom said they didnt even come by to fix anything, BUT they came and left a notice on my door that i owe them nineteen dollars.  THE FUCK? but its okay, the bathroom is plunged and pinesoled everywhere and moped and sanitary now.  good times.  so tomorrow i have off and i havent decided what i am going to do yet, but it must be constructive.  id ont know what yet and if i dont figure it out in the next fourteen hours i am going to get overwhelmed and end up sleeping all day.  oy. 

movies, crappy apartments, toliet, sewage

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