Nov 16, 2006 21:55
I have opinions on everything these days.
I have opinions on the news article I read today about an organization that fights to have nurses postively portrayed in the media starting a campaign against a restaurant in Arizona called "The Heart-Attack Grill" which has "naughty nurses" serve you terrible-for-you-food. (Apparently, such portrayals degrade nurses and make women not want to become nurses. I'm interested in others' opinions, especially if they are, themselves, a part of the nursing profession.)
I have opinions on TV shows and books and movies and songs.
I have opinions on people and their actions, whether "right" or "wrong."
I have opinions on politics and the war and whether or not I'm sexually attractive to the opposite sex and drama in the workplace (GOD THE DRAMA AT BOTH MY WORKPLACES) and why my dog has been peeing on the carpet and where my life is going and what I should do to make a positive change for the better.
I have thoughts and ideas and bits of poems and songs stuck in my head. I have fantasies and dreams and hopes and desires. I have rhymes and rhythms and dirty dishes and dirty clothes and an undying, all-consuming hatred for this town and its inability to drive. I have fears and doubts and questions and answers and blame, both directed at myself and at the hypocrisy of others.
I have friends I want to see, friends I want to call, friends I need to mail things to, film to get developed, many many many MANY things to pay for, and parents who just don't understand.
I have low self-esteem and frizzy hair and a face only a mother could love.
I have so much to say, but so little desire to type it all out. Because once I do, people will be able to comment on it, and it won't be mine anymore, it'll be ours, and I'm not ready to let these things go just yet.