I'm fine, baby's great, pregnancy progressing much better than last time. No bedrest yet, which is wonderful because I don't know how I could be on bedrest with an active little boy who doesn't nap and who sleeps 10 hours a night if I'm lucky.
The same reason I am pretty much MIA from LJ, I just don't have time to sit down and write. I'm as guilty as most everyone else of abandoning the in-depth sharing of LJ for the shallow 5 second updates of Facebook because that's about what my schedule allows me.
But anyway, but anyway (in the words of Henry Rollins) I need some advice.
Long time readers may remember, well over 3 years ago, when the quilt my mamma made got ruined. It was very special to me, she made it when I was about 6 or 7, it was white eyelet with pink satin backing, it had a kitty applique and I just loved it. It was only used occasionally, like when I was sick or sad, and even after she died and it became mine full time, I only broke it out for extra special comfort.
Then I had to wash it & it got snagged in the machine. The satin backing got shredded. I was devastated.
I posted about it here &
oddharmonic kindly offered to fix it for me. I sent it to her. She claimed it was fixed several months later & that she was going to send it back as soon as she could get a ride to the post office.
Never happened. She'd intermittently ask me for my address and tell me she had a plan to mail it out on this day or that day. Never happened. On and on for years this went. Last year she had a great deal of personal issues in her life and I tried to be sympathetic, even though after 3 years I was pretty fed up with waiting. I would frequently offer her money for my completed quilt as well as shipping. She'd never take me up on it. Her biggest obstacle seemed to be getting a ride to the post office, so I offered to have a local friend come pick it up. She was unwilling to allow "a stranger" to come to her home. I offered any amount of money for cab fare + shopping + her time. I offered to arrange a pre-paid UPS pick up, anything to get this precious heirloom back into my hands.
So she took to ignoring me. She unfriended me on Facebook, wouldn't respond to my emails or message requests. She screens comments on her LJ and won't post or reply to mine. She won't answer the phone when I call. She's blocked me from texting her. I don't have her address.
I don't understand. I really don't. As far as I knew we were friends, I don't know that I ever did anything to hurt or offend her. I appreciated her offer so much & I don't know why this happened.
My heart literally HURTS over this. I am having a baby girl in 2 months and it would mean so much to me for her to have something her grandmother made her, the only thing she'd ever have that my mom had created herself. I cry about it whenever I think about it. I realize that at this point she has probably thrown it away or sold it on craigslist or something, which breaks my heart to consider, but I want to know. If it's gone & I have no hope of ever seeing it again, I'd like to at least know to give up that hope. It's hard.
What would you do?