Ugg Boots and Louis Vuitton

Jan 19, 2005 23:29

So, i need to rant about the dumbest girls ever who put the dumbest stuff ever in facebook. Do they have really nothing more interesting going on in there lives than to talk about ugg boots and louis vuitton?!??!

Most of them don't even know how to spell Vuitton, let alone could they ever AFFORD one that isn't the size of my pinkie finger. AND for god sakes UGG BOOTS?!?!?!?! I have two pairs that i have had for over a YEAR that are actually REAL. Sheepskin boots do not equal uggs..its a brand not a style dumbassses. They are so OUT!!!!!! I strictly wear mine for warmth now, and i put them under my pants for the shear fact that there are so many knock offs out there i can't stand anyone looking at me wondering if mine are fake!!!!

I find it to be quite sad that girls have nothing better to do than list off a bunch of brand names as there "interests". Like do u have a brain? Is there anything going on in the world that interests you??? I mean some people put tanning in there interests!!!!! That is an interest? Your interested in getting skin cancer??? Don't get me wrong, i love tanning..but is it something i consider a reflection of my interests?? NO

I think it is just another sad attempt for girls to try to look cool or have other people think they are cool. Try being original for once..

AND by the way, for all you wannabes, i knew green was the new pink when you were just starting to love fuscia.
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