New shiney for teh Joslyn

Nov 05, 2007 16:53

 So I woke up this morning and went to my computer for my usual 30 minutes of computing before getting ready for work and my monitor decided to die today.  RIP HP Monitor.  It was a good monitor.  It lasted 7 years, 2 colleges, and many many moves.  So we went to Best Buy and bought a 19" flat widescreen.  It's purdy.  I likes it.

So now I have even more space on my desk to devote to crap!  I am SOOO bad about cluttering up my desk.  And now it will only get worse.  Joy!

AND... Myra dropped the bomb that we have a written test on Warwickain stuff on Thursday!  Ok, joslyn = worried.  I don't have time for this.  I have Parent Teacher conferences on Wed.  Not to mention pressure at work and the insane distraction of not having a car.  You never really notice how inconvienent it can be not to have a car until you don't have it.  Can I reschedule?  Can I call in sick?  What happens if I fail?

Plus I'm supposed to be lesson planning for Nov. and Dec. right now, and I don't wanna!  *pfffft!*  *waves dejectedly* bye

car, work, computer, aokp

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