May 13, 2008 20:35
Finally I am almost done with this semester.
ASL 3: last test tomorrow, then a "mini party" next Wednesday (I probably won't want to get up that early to go, but I'll be getting my grade, so that's probably worth it)
Yoga: last class tomorrow
Toning: last class tomorrow
Guitar: Final on Friday, then done! For my final I'm going to play "Across the Universe". One of you peoples should sing for me one of these days! Come on, we can play "Superstar" or that one song with the birds... you can be Karen Carpenter and I'll be her brother whose name I do not know.
Psychosocial Health: Paper due on the 23rd, which I'll procrastinate on.
Music: Paper about the Alexander String Quartet (which I saw on Sunday--- really good) due sometime next week. I better get cracking on it.
Man, semester system takes soooooo long. I still haven't gotten used to it after I finished UCD. I'm glad SFSU is semester system though because it'll be easier if it's not rushed like quarter system.
By the end of this week I'll know what job(s) and volunteerwork I'll doing for the summer. Yayyy. I will update later on.