Nov 28, 2004 16:56
went to great big sea last night with my was soo wicked! they put on a really good show, as i figured they would. we went out for supper too and moms friend lena and i went out for a smoke before dessert. some nutcase came up with this huge video camera and filmed us the whole time we smoked then left as soon as we went inside. i was a little spooked, im im getting used to strange things happening around me. yeeha.
i cant believe christmas is so close. i hate christmas. i wish it would disappear. the only purpose it serves is to see family and i dont need an excuse for that. i am glad to have the break from school. im going to need it to psych myself up to not drop out for second semester. i find it damn near immpossible to make myself care about something that i loathe...does that make sense? i think so.
i think i want to get a gym membership for the time that im going to be in amherst. yes, yes indeed.
and in other news, i have no other news. just alot of late assignments and drama to deal with. i dont think i want to involve myself in either so we'll see how they pan out on their own.
xoxo nik