
Apr 30, 2003 05:01

I hereby challenge all of LJ to comply, either by noting here or by creating a new entry in their own LJ.

The challenge is this: list ten songs you believe everyone should at least listen to. Don't use the same artist more than twice. You can add more than ten, of course, but the basic challenge is 10 songs and at least 5 different artists.

On with my selection:
1. "Reflection", from the Mulan soundtrack.
A song about being who you are. I connect with just about every word in this song, putting it at the top of my list.
2. "Your Song", Elton John
I was debating between this and "Don't Let The Sun Go Down On Me", but "Your Song" wins out for being happier.
3. "The Show Must Go On", Queen
No matter what happens in life, things could always get worse. It's too easy to be sad. Being strong enough to go on is harder. But, in the end, the show must go on.
4. "I Am A Rock", Simon and Garfunkel
These guys are the only band I intend to choose twice. This song is on my list because I used to live my life by it. I used to truely believe that I would be better off feeling nothing than to go through some of the pain in my past. I know how wrong that was now. So, I choose this to show my mistake, and pray that others do not make it. This is not the way to go.
6. "Bridge Over Troubled Water", Simon and Garfunkel
Friends are an absolute must have in life. No matter how big, how strong, how tough you are, there is always something bigger. Friends make handling those bigger things so much easier. I'd never be the person I am without my friends.
7. "Ain't Got Nothing If You Ain't Got Love", Michael Bolton
Love is one of the most important things there is. Not even the kind of love you have for you husband/wife/boyfriend/girlfriend/whatever. Just the love you get from friends. Without love, you truely do have nothing.
8. "I Love You Just The Way You Are", Billy Joel
Be yourself. People will love you for you. The only thing that changing for someone else does is hurt both of you.
9. "I Am... I Said", Neil Diamond
A song about home. Just because you move doesn't make the new place home. I still miss Atlanta.
10. "Something", The Beatles
The Beatles had to be on here somewhere. Everyone should listen to something by the Beatles during their lives. It doesn't even have to be this song. I just found it ammusing to use that one, after the hassle I had trying to request it on the radio once.

That was a lot harder than I thought it would be. Of course, I am actually trying to pick songs with meanings to me, rather than just songs that sound nice. That does make it a lot harder.
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