Strangest Dream Ever

Apr 24, 2003 07:50

My dream started with me on the phone to my mother. I had apparently just found out that Amie had to go on a trip for a week, and I was lamenting not being able to go with her. My mother tells me to take a vacation for myself. I reply that the only place I would really be interested in going is Japan. Next thing I know, I'm booking a trip to Japan.

Again, my dream skips around a bit, and I am boarding the plane. Well, I think it was supposed to be a plane. It was shaped like a space ship, and painted up with the Morning Musume characters on it. I remember finding that funny, and making a mental note to tell Amie about that later. The interior was just as odd. The whole thing was blue and white. The walls were all white, and there was a blue metal pathway down the middle. The whole plane was round, so you actually had to step down a bit into your seat.

The plane takes off, and I begin to watch the in-flight movie. I remember that I fell asleep in my dream, because I then jumped awake trying to figure out what was wrong with me. For some strange reason, the thought that I would need money once I got to Japan hadn't occured to me until that point. Being rather distraught, I started to totally freak out. Luckily, there was a college guy on the plane, and he comforted me.

When we arrived, I just wandered around the airport for a while. After about an hour, this old guy walks up to me and hands me a piece of tinfoil. At least, that's what it looked like. He claimed it was a key. So he then leads me to this box, I put the tinfoil against the indention where the key is supposed to go (it wasn't like a normal key, it was basically an oval made of tinfoil with a bigger piece for a handle) and turned it, and the box opened. Inside, I found a second Rhy-Ohki backpack/purse (mine was on my back), a stack of money thicker than my arm, a necklace from Amie (a chain with a heart at the bottom with "MINE" engraved on it. And when I say chain, I mean something like the thing she dragged Patti around on at AE), some clothes (including a sailor fuku, think Rei's but in brown and white), and Moo (our stuffed cow from Chick-Fil-A with a sign on him that says "EAT CHIKIN CUDDLE COWZ").

As I finished emptying the box, three guys wearing camo pants show up and begin to insult me. I turn to the old guy to figure out what is going on, but Alicia is there instead, wearing the same fuku that I just got out of the box. I load up the various things into the Ryo-Ohki purse I brought with me (how it fit that many clothes inside it, I couldn't tell you), put the necklace around my neck, and attatched Moo to the strap on my purse. I gave the extra purse to Alicia, and then we proceeded to verbally assault them until their pants fell apart and they ran away.

Later, Alicia and I are walking through the airport (in the time between scenes, I changed into the fuku), and we meet up with two of her friends (which were just random Japanese schoolgirls my mind came up with, no one I know this time). We spent the rest of the dream wandering around the airport, getting food and shopping (apparently this airport was also a mall). We laughed about how the guys thought that their pants were cool, but ended up falling apart. And I generally enjoyed my trip.

Other than the strangeness involved by itself, the reason this dream was so odd was because it wasn't normal. Most of my dreams are of me doing the same things I do all the time, just with me being female instead. I was still female in this dream, but the rest was just so odd. I'm not used to it. I'm confused now.
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