kawaii masaki-baby~ || jun in HYD

Nov 02, 2007 09:13

HAHAHA!! So happy. I brought the Big Wave photobook to school because i ordered for karene-chan. Then amy saw it and says she wanna browse. Dozo, please browse my kawaii arashi yeah!! HAHAHA!!

While she was browsing masaki-baby pages, she was like who is this?? Then of cuz as usual i replied "my hubby lo" HAHAHA!! Then she continue flipping says who is this? I replied "my hubby again lo. all this sections belong to my hubby." HAHAHA!! Then she commented that he look kawaii during his young time. When she flipped to the more recent Taiwan concert picture, she was like "OH! This is your hubby right?" Yeap yeap i happily nodded my head. The reason why she can recongize the more recent masaki-baby cuz i have been flooding her with masaki-baby for last past 1.5years?


What's next? When she flipped to junjun pages, she some sort of shouted "ehhh this guy look like someone.." WHO WHO?? "i cant remember.. but.." SOMEONE?? in drama izzit? "yes yes!! the hanazawa de show" HAHAHA!! HE IS domyoji lo. "huh?? really? no wonder look so familiar"

HAHA!! See? She also know about jun's existance even though i never promote junjun to her before. So happy yeah!! I think she saw it at SCV preview since HYD2 is now showing at SCV every saturday night? *think*

Well well just some random updates for today. LOL!! Time to photoshop my tegoshi using those skills i learned from the project im tackle with. Hopes it turn out well yeah. =)))
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