An Entry Filled With Thoughts And Musings-In Other Words, Random As Usual ;)

Jul 21, 2004 12:19

Although I've been keeping up with livejournal while at work (because I have nothing else to do lol) I haven't found the time to update. But now the office is quiet and the phones aren't ringing, so I thought why not!

Lol just as I typed that the phone rang. Weird. :)

So lets see what has been going on in my life-well, a bunch of things, but mostly all for good!
-I'm working at Drake again this summer, but I got a raise because its my second year and so now I'm getting paid good money to just play!
-I went up to Witt to visit Tia and Rebecca and met Arwen up there. It was an interesting day but turned out quite nicely. I found out that Rebecca and I have a ton in common, and I'm so glad that she is going to be at Witt this coming year! She's a senior and I'm sure going to be sad when she leaves, but I know we'll keep in touch.

Most importantly though, I've been changing my life slowly but surely in the little ways. I've made a couple resolutions, and although its been mighty hard I'm determined to keep them. I'm trying to simplify my life-take out the things that stress me out, and surround myself with my friends and family.

I've been spending a ton of time with Kristen-I see her almost every day lol. I'm really glad I met her. I know I said this in my past entry, but some recent events have just re-enforced that thought. For instance, last friday I was supposed to hang out with someone but the person never called. It turned out to be a big misunderstand, but at the time I was pretty upset, but then Kristen called and invited me to go to a movie with her and her friends from UC. She didn't have to invite me, but she knew I was angry and so she did. That's just an example of something small that makes a HUGE difference.

And then there's my brother. Lol, ok not my real brother cause I don't have one, but I consider Brent my brother. I've been hanging out with him a lot too, and he always makes me smile. I can talk to him about anything, and he will give me honest advice whether I want to hear it or not. Oddly enough, both Kristen and Brent turned 20 within the course of a week-they are so old!

It's really odd to realize that 6 months I will no longer be considered a teenager. As scared as I used to be about getting older and deciding what to do with my life, I'm starting to come to terms with it. I'm even thinking about what I'm going to major and minor in! I was thinking about double-majoring in English and Theatre with a double minor in Music and Dance, but now I'm thinking of just majoring in English and then triple minoring in Theatre, Music, and Dance. But who knows. Right now I'm just trying to figure out what classes I have to take. Hopefully it will all work out.

Speaking of school, I can't WAIT to go back to Witt. I am so excited-I'm going to have a very heavy class load, and I got a job in the Theatre dept. However, I learned from last year that I do better when I am busy. Choir is going to be so much fun, and I am SOOOOOOOOO excited about rooming with Arwen!! Her and I talk all the time, and I really think we are going to have an awesome time. She understands me like no one else does, and she also knows how to calm me down. And hopefully I help her out in some ways too. :)

Oh! And I met someone who is going to be a freshman at Witt! Her name is Alison, and she's AWESOME. We've been talking on AIM about classes and dorm life and stuff, and we seem to have a lot in common. I'm really excited to meet her and show her how amazing Witt can be!

Let's see, anything else? Well, Joe and I broke up a while ago. He came down and visited once, but that would have been the only time I would have got to see him. We didn't get to talk much on the phone either because we are both busy people, so it didn't really feel like we were in a relationship anyway. So we decided to just be friends. He is a great guy, and I hope that he and I can continue our friendship when school starts up again.

On the dating scene, I'm not really dating anyone now. I have been spending a lot of time with Healy lately, a boy I dated at Witt, and that has been fun. I went to The Roots and 311 concert with him and his boys earlier this month and had a blast. I drove down there Sunday and spent the evening with him, and we are possibly going camping sometime in August. But we aren't really in a relationship, I guess just hanging out. He's going to be going to UK next year instead of going back to Witt. But that's the nice thing about Healy-I don't have to worry about stressing out about him. It's just laid back and fun. And I've decided that what I need-less stress, more fun.

I think that's all I'm going to write for today. After reading over this entry, I've come to realize that this isn't so much a journal for others to read but more of a place I can let out my thoughts and musings, with the occasional input from others. It's a nice place to just let out. Maybe I'll start doing this more as a sort of therapy. But who knows-I always say I'm going to write more and then never get the chance. :)

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