Jun 21, 2004 17:20
So this weekends craziness pretty much started on thursday when i saw greg for the first time since that horrible day in february, the moment i saww him i thought my heart was gonna jump out of my chest czu it was beating so fast and hard. the good part about thrus. was that i saw JENNIFER!!! it was exciting, i also saw jake and little rekas and nick c. it was exciting cuz i havent seen them in forever!! so i guess the carnivale was ok since i got to see everyone i havent seen in forever. it was also nice cuz me and jennifer hung out with jenny r., i relaly like her she is so sweet and funny, im glad that we are friends now but i have a complication... i think i miss greg and i dunno...we went over there last night and me and him talked but not about anything specific. it was kinda nice...well im gonna go now, ill write later.