Nebula Weekend Mass Booksigning

May 09, 2011 09:46

Not counting last weekend’s mass WRW signing at Turn the Page in Maryland (because I wasn’t officially on the list), next weekend will be my very first booksigning in the DC area. Hooray!

It’s a giant mass booksigning that the SFWA hosts every year during the Nebula Awards Weekend, wherever that happens to be. This year it’s:

Friday, May 20, 2011
5:30 - 7:00pm
Washington Hilton
1919 Connecticut Ave., NW
Washington, District of Columbia
USA 20009
Tel: 202-483-3000

I’ve never done the Nebulas before, so I have no idea how it works. Like all signings, I’m guessing it’s best if you have your own books and bring them with you. I’ll have a hard enough time hoofing my suitcase through the Metro and down the streets of DC, which means I won’t have any books to sell you. But I will probably bring bookmarks and a few buttons, so you won’t leave *too* empty-handed.

Other authors/editors at the signing will be:
  • John Joseph Adams
  • Christopher Barzak
  • J. Kathleen Cheney
  • Aliette de Bodard
  • Tom Doyle
  • Scott Edelman
  • Timons Esaias
  • Cynthia Felice
  • Andrew Fox
  • Kerry Frey
  • Laura Anne Gilman
  • Anne Groell
  • Joe Haldeman
  • Peter Heck
  • Vylar Kaftan
  • JohnKessel
  • Alethea Kontis
  • Mary Robinette Kowal
  • Geoffrey A.Landis
  • Allen Lewis
  • Tom Lewis
  • Lee Martindale
  • James Morrow
  • Catherine Petrini
  • Stanley Schmidt
  • Lawrence Schoen
  • Lansing Sexton
  • Bud Sparhawk
  • Allen Steele
  • Eric James Stone
  • Michael Sullivan
  • Robin Sullivan
  • Michael Swanwick
  • Brandie Tarvin
  • Mary Turzillo
  • Michael Whelan
  • Alexander Whitaker
  • Connie Willis

If you’re in the DC area that day, please drop by and say hello!


Originally published at You can comment here or there.

emerald city, appearances, life

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