Lucky Birthdays

Feb 27, 2011 09:30

Many customs say that it is lucky for a child to be born close to a parent’s birthday. This is a good thing, for my birthday is only three days after my fathers, and Soteria’s is four days after my mother’s.

Fourteen years ago, Fairy Goddaughter Ariell missed her father’s birthday by a mere seven minutes and seven seconds…so she must be the luckiest one of them all!

We celebrated to the nines yesterday, starting off the day with a delicious breakfast that included homemade blueberry pancakes and a present-opening ceremony that rivaled Christmas. (Around here, everybody gets presents!)

As Joe was cleaning up to take a birthday picture with Ariell in their new (and signed!) Collins River Logging t-shirts (if you haven’t seen Ax Men, you won’t know what this is), Joe Collins Himself gave my Joe a ring to wish him a Happy Birthday. It was so wonderful to hear his unmistakable voice on the phone, and such a joy to see Joe’s and Ariell’s smiles as they laughed and chatted. (Joe Collins is an incredibly nice guy. And I am the best girlfriend EVER.)

The last present of the day was a card for Ariell, in which I wrote some silly business and then signed it with the address to her new website…which is the geeky intarwebz equivalent of giving a girl a new car. Please pop by yourself and see the gorgeous design, her bio and publishing credits, and all the silly comments from her friends.

We bought glow-in-the-dark bracelets and Kassidy put together a playlist for the midnight dance party (the goal was to stay up until 12:07 and ring in Ariell’s birthday like the New Year) - but it was a very long day full of lots of shopping and even more fun and sleep beckoned. I wasn’t the only one losing consciousness, and to everyone’s grumpy chagrin, we went to bed. Kassidy says we should have had more coffee. She’s probably right.

But none of that changes the fact that yesterday was a wonderful day full of smiles, and today Ariell is one year older. Joe turned 41 yesterday and Ariell’s 14 today…it’s going to be a fabulous (and lucky) palindrome year!

I hope you are all having a similarly amazing weekend. xox


Originally published at You can comment here or there.

emerald city, family, life

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