I Am Not a Brand

Feb 20, 2011 08:00

…I am a Princess.

Seriously, though…author Maureen Johnson has a lovely little manifesto on her blog regarding The Thing that is Social Networking. You should definitely click over and check out the story on how she came to create this manifesto, and the woman who undoubtedly clubs baby seals. I certainly wanted to club her. I’ve been on panels with people like this. So have you. Don’t be this person. And don’t put “Author” in your Facebook name. (Seriously. Cut that crap out.)

I won’t steal her manifesto by copying and pasting it here either - you’ll have to go to her site and see it for yourself. Just know that I agree with 99% of it. The only change I would make is to take out “Post more cat pictures” and insert “Don’t be a jerk.”

As a compromise, I have posted here a cat who is famous for being a jerk. You’re welcome. Y’all have a nice Sunday, now.


Originally published at AletheaKontis.com. You can comment here or there.

appearances, life

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