10 Tips for Marketing Your Book Online

May 19, 2010 07:30

My dear friend, bestselling thriller author J.T. Ellison, recently posted “10 Tips for Marketing Your Book Online.” In a world where banks have started holding payroll checks because so many of them are bouncing, online marketing’s a particularly savvy tool that all writers should investigate.

Most importantly, J.T. includes the most important piece of advice that should be on every list: Don’t Be a Jerk. (She calls it “Be Polite.” She’s nicer than me. Sometimes.)

You might recognize J.T. from her weekly contributions to the Murderati.com blog…or from the books on your shelf…or from seeing us pal around Nashville…or at The Edge, where she and I both patronize the same hairdresser (because Angie ROCKS).

Know the other cool thing I stole from J.T.’s site? This button. Have you donated to Nashville Flood relief yet? You should. Even if it’s only ten bucks. Just because you don’t hear about it anymore doesn’t mean everything’s all new and shiny again. Trust me. It’s not.

(J.T. does live in Nashville - I was worried about her when the Internet of Middle Tennessee went down and she could only send desperate emails from her phone. She (and her home and her loved ones) thankfully survived intact.)


Originally published at AletheaKontis.com. You can comment here or there.

tennessee, friends, writing

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