There are certain people in my family that bring put the worst in me. My grandma is the biggest problem though. She was an unfit mother to my father and she's an ungrateful woman whom my mother was kind enough to take in when she couldn't take care of herself anymore. Not to mention the woman has no qualms about suing my parents many years ago. In her eyes I am a godless whore. But I've accepted that years ago as well.
So how could one tiny insignificant woman bring out the worst in me? Easy. She beats my animals when she thinks no one is looking. I've got her on more than one occasion get her ass out of her chair and proceed to hit my dog with her walker. Its maddening in my eyes when I have to correct her and she'll disregard my wishes when my back is turned.
Dime is just a puppy. Like a child, he doesn't understand things. To try and explain this to someone who obviously abhors all "God's" creatures, frustrates me. If I had even 6% of my soul remaining, I'd tell her where to shove that piece of shit walker. Come on, you wouldn't hit an infant like that would you? Nevermind, she already has.. I'd just love to see how she would feel being hit by her own fucking walker. Oh, but that sou be just ducking cruel..
I just really needed to get that off my chest. I may not believe in her "God", but I do believe in karma.
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