Jan 08, 2003 20:13
For all of you who know me at all, you know that I love Audrey Hepburn, this is her. Anywho, this is just temporary 'till I get a Picture of me that small. Also, You should all read the book "Nausea" by Jean-Paul Sartre. It's really good and about existentialism for anyone who cares about that stuff like me. by the by, he won the nobel prize in literature, so this is some super good stuff. ok some good quotes from it so far that have hit special strings in me are as follows... "a crowd of small meatmorphoses accumulate in me without my noticing it, and then, one fine day, a veritable revolution takes place." -page 5. anywho that one is about how things change within us, i should have mentioned that earlier so you understood it. next one is about how i sometimes feel captured in a novel about some french guy. "I am alone among these happy, reasonable voices." - page 8. ok so that is that. oh i just love that last one, it gives me goosepimples all over every time i read it.
Ok new in Hilltop, i have a very political artical coming out in the next issue... READ IT!
New in school.... I hate it! oh wait that isn't new. um i like the english book that i haven't read. i hate the Academic Decathalon book that i haven't read, and i think that i will have to get it on tape if i am going to do at all well at the tournament.
Formal is soon.