10 Drake & Josh (D/M/J) Fics for ot3_100

May 17, 2012 08:13

Fandom: Drake & Josh
Claim: Drake/Mindy/Josh
Warnings: au, stepcest, m/m/f threesome/polyamorous relationship

Titles & ratings. All other info under the cuts.

Title: Don’t Leave Me Alone in the Dark
Prompt + Number:  Panic, 015
Rating: K+/PG
Summary: If Josh is in love with Mindy, where does that leave Drake?

"I think I love her."

Drake looks stricken at Josh's admission and he feels like slapping him again because Josh is always finding a reason to touch him or kiss him and now he's telling Drake that he thinks he loves that cold unfeeling thing that he calls a girlfriend.

"No you don't." Drake will talk some sense into him. Josh can't love Mindy. Not when they keep sharing these forbidden moments.

"Yeah, I kinda do."

"Well, if you love her so much, are you gonna tell her about us? You know she'll never understand," Drake says coldly. He doesn't add that he barely understands.

Josh shrugs. "I guess I just have to hope for the best."


Title: Sharing, Not the Same as Caring
Prompt + Number: Share, 005
Rating: K+/PG
Summary: Mindy only shares Josh with Drake because she doesn’t have any other option.

Mindy’s there but she’s not there. She’s curled up in the ratty orange armchair, occasionally glancing over at Drake and Josh. There’s no reason for her to be present. She doesn’t need or want to watch her boyfriend make-out with another guy.

The condition of this arrangement, this relationship, as convoluted as it is, stipulates that she and Drake share Josh, not that they bear witness to each other’s dalliances.

Half an hour later, Drake and Mindy have switched positions, and she pulls Josh closer to her and pretends that Drake isn’t there; that Josh is hers and hers alone.


Title: Soft and Wet
Prompt + Number: Rain, 068
Rating: K+/PG
Summary: Mindy’s resolve to stay fully dressed and not engage in sexy times wanes after she gets caught in the rain.

The sky opens up and Mindy is completely drenched, her sundress clinging to her skin, in the time it takes her to exit the cab and dash to the front door of the condo that Drake and Josh share.

Drake opens the door, a seductive grin forming as he leans against the doorframe. "And you said you weren't coming over to have sex."

Mindy huffs and cuts her eyes at him.

"Josh!" Drake hollers, as he moves to let Mindy in. "Mindy's here. And she's wet!"

Josh is there in a flash with a towel, in case Drake isn't just being dirty, as Mindy allows Drake to start peeling the soaked dress off her body.


Title: Never a Bride
Prompt + Number: Colour, 066
Rating: K+/PG
Summary: Mindy’s knows that she’s not the marrying kind.

Mindy is twenty-four when she realizes that she will never be a vision in white, walking down the aisle, ready to pledge her everlasting love to her one true love and soul mate.

She’s been with Josh and Drake far too long for her to even consider that there’s someone out there for her that isn’t either one of them.

Even if marriage was in her future, it’s laughable that she would wear white, representing the purity she hasn’t had since she was seventeen and found herself tangled in sheets and limbs, under, above, between, and beside Josh and Drake.


Title: You’re Buildin’ Up Static
Prompt + Number: Electricity, 046
Rating: T/PG-13
Summary: Drake feels it all through his body.
Title comes from the School House Rocks song “Electricity, Electricity.” Like I wasn’t already going to Hell for writing these drabbles….

Drake can feel the sparks shooting through his fingertips whenever he touches Josh or Mindy, flowing from him to them. He can play their bodies as well as he plays his guitar-maybe even better. They can play his just as well.

It’s just like being shocked. His body tingles, humming. It’s like an undercurrent of electricity running through his veins, zip zooming from the tips of his toes to the top of his head.

Mindy and Josh speak of voltage, watts and Joules, and charges, positive and negative, when he tries to explain to them just what he’s feeling.


Title: Sweltering
Prompt + Number: Hug, 002
Rating: K+/PG
Summary: Josh always wants to cuddle.

Mindy wriggles away from Josh as he tries to snuggle up to her. “It’s too hot. Can we not cuddle?”

“What she said.” Drake says as Josh scoots towards him, and he inches closer to the edge of the bed. “There’s too much body heat in this bed.”

None of them moves to get up. It is hot as hell and the sheets beneath them are already damp with sweat and-other fluids.

“Aw, but you guys…” Josh says with a pout, turning his head so that they can both see his puppy dog eyes. “What if we crank up the a/c?”


Title: Here With Me
Prompt + Number:  Ache, 050
Rating: T/PG-13
Summary: Josh loves them so much it hurts.

It physically hurts him sometimes when Josh thinks about how much he loves both Drake and Mindy. He can't imagine living without either one of them. It's a need, a want, a love so deep and so desperate that claws at him, stripping away at his heart, when they're both away from him.

The fact that they both remain with him, with each other, after what started as a foolish and fucked up high school experiment in love and sex, the wet dream of a horny indecisive teenager, soothes his soul.

The pain’s easier to bear when they’re with him.


Title: I’ve Got My Love(s) To Keep Me Warm
Prompt + Number:  Snow, 067
Rating: K+/PG
Summary: Drake, Josh, and Mindy snowed in at a cabin.

"It's freezing out."

"Yes, Drake, that is normally the case when you're on a snow-covered mountain," Mindy says dryly.

"You should've worn your coat," Josh chides. He sets a tray of hot chocolate down on the coffee table and sits down in front of the fireplace beside Mindy as Drake takes his wet boots off and attempts to shake the melting flakes from his hair.

Drake pulls his damp sweater over his head, shivers, and squeezes into the space between Josh and Mindy. "I'm cold," he whines.

Josh and Mindy exchange looks before they set to work warming him up.


Title: Olly Olly Oxen Free
Prompt + Number: Questions, 058
Rating: K+/PG
Summary: Megan wants to know what’s going on.

Mindy looks up to see Megan giving her a cold, hard look. "Hey Megan. Everything okay?"

"I don't know. That all depends on what you're doing with my brothers. What are you doing with both of them, Mindy?"

Mindy feels a lump forming in her throat at the knowing and accusatory tone in Megan's voice."I'm sure I don't know what you're talking about."

"Please. The three of you should know better. Those boobs know that I spy on them all the time."

A chill runs through her. "Megan, what exactly-"

"I saw you with Drake and I know that Josh knows. I also know Drake and Josh have always been kinda gay for each other and now you're a part of it. You're like those fundamentalist Mormons or something. So what gives?"

"I... It's not like that."

"Then what is it like?"

Mindy purses her lips then frowns. "Okay, it's exactly like that."


Title: Hands All Over
Prompt + Number: Shiver, 047
Rating: M/R
Summary: Mindy kind of hates how easily Drake and Josh can make her come undone.

Mindy bites her lip as Drake and Josh's fingers dance over her body. She clutches the sheets tighter in her hands, twisting the fabric, gasping as Drake nips at her earlobe and Josh's tongue flicks across her flesh.

She shudders and presses her head back against the pillow as one of Drake's hands and one of Josh's make their way between her legs. Their touches are teasing and she could kill the both of them if they don’t-

It's like they read her mind because Drake attaches his lips to her neck as Josh slides two fingers inside of her.

d&j: drake/mindy, d&j: drake/mindy/josh, drabble, challenge, d&j: drake/josh, tv: drake & josh, slash, d&j: josh/mindy, fanart: fanfic, ot3, ot3_100, guilty pleasure

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