4 Drake & Josh (D/M/J) Fics for ot3_100

Apr 30, 2012 12:03

Title: Isosceles
Fandom: Drake & Josh
Claim: Drake/Mindy/Josh
Prompt + Number: Awkward, 039
Rating: T/PG-13
Warnings: au, stepcest, m/m/f threesome/polyamorous relationship
Summary: How do you plan for a threesome?

“How are we going to do this?” Drake asks Josh. Drake and Mindy have both avoiding making eye contact with, speaking directly to, or invading the personal bubble of the other.

Josh shrugs. “Well, I guess we could take turns. I don’t really know how threesomes work.”

The boys look at Mindy.

“What?” She asks sharply.

“You’re Little Miss Research. You’ve probably taken notes,” Drake says mockingly.

Mindy blushes and clears her throat. “I may have looked into the schematics of male-male-female sexual encounters.”


“Drake and I are doing this for you, Josh. We have no interest in each other so, either we take turns or...you're in the middle.”

Drake and Josh both realize that they haven’t fully thought this experiment through.


Title: Are We There Yet?
Fandom: Drake & Josh
Claim: Drake/Mindy/Josh
Prompt + Number: Drive, 042
Rating: T/PG-13
Warnings: au, stepcest, m/m/f threesome/polyamorous relationship, voyeurism/exhibitionism
Summary: On a road trip, Drake drives while Mindy “entertains” Josh.

It’s hard for Drake to keep his eyes on the road with Josh and Mindy seated on the backseat - which is totally unfair since he’s been driving for the past six hours and they still have two hours to go. He should’ve known what Mindy was up to when Josh jumped in back with her instead of returning to the front seat after their bathroom break.

He pouts, listening to Josh’s breaths shorten, increasing. Mindy’s dark teasing eyes meet Drake’s in the rearview mirror and she smirks at him as Josh spills into her hand, her name on his lips.


Title: Closer
Fandom: Drake & Josh
Claim: Drake/Mindy/Josh
Prompt + Number: Fix, 075
Rating: M/R
Warnings: au, stepcest, m/m/f threesome/polyamorous relationship, voyeurism/exhibitionism
Summary: Josh wants (needs) Mindy and Drake to want (need) each other the way that he wants (needs) them.

Josh sits back and watches. He’s been patiently waiting for this, trying to weave Drake and Mindy closer together. What the three of them have going is good but it can be terrific if Drake and Mindy would actively engage each other. And now….

Josh bites his lip, stifling a groan, his hand dipping beneath the waistband of his boxers.

His role as director led Drake’s hand to Mindy’s knee and up her thigh, Mindy’s own hand massaging Drake through his jeans. And now, now it is all improv and instinct with Drake’s hand disappearing up Mindy’s skirt, his lips traveling along her collarbone (always everywhere but her own lips) as her head falls back against the sofa and she moans, grinding against his hand.


Kiss. Please, just kiss.

He needs…he wants….

Josh hears Mindy’s sharp intake of breath, sees her back arching, her body tensing. After her body relaxes, she leans over then hesitates. Drake brings his head forward, barely an inch, and the sight of their lips finally meeting is just enough to make Josh come.


Title: Right Hand, Left Foot
Fandom: Drake & Josh
Claim: Drake/Mindy/Josh
Prompt + Number: Games, 028
Rating: K+/PG
Warnings: au, stepcest, m/m/f threesome/polyamorous relationship
Summary: Board games are fun for everyone.

Drake grins. “Naked Twister!”

Josh frowns.

Mindy arches an eyebrow.

“I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Josh says slowly.

Mindy smiles, giving Drake a heated look; she reaches out and flicks the spinner. “It could be fun.”

Josh looks at her. “Fun? How about dangerous? You can get injured playing that game fully clothed. Drake is suggesting we play a game that’s going to involve our bodies getting tangled before one of us inevitably ends up falling on top of…” he trails off as realization dawns. “Oh.”

Drake snickers. “For someone so smart you sure can be slow.”

d&j: drake/mindy, d&j: drake/mindy/josh, drabble, challenge, d&j: drake/josh, tv: drake & josh, slash, d&j: josh/mindy, fanart: fanfic, ot3, ot3_100, guilty pleasure

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