Apr 16, 2005 18:02
Where on earth do people buy smart drugs? Y'know, it's those things people are on when they write something brilliant, insightful, and meaningful that they can honestly say they just made up.
When I watched The Sound of Music at a much younger age (it's one of those movies you understand no matter how old you are), I was stricken by how much of a backwards unpolitical statement it made - while managing to be set in Nazi Austria for most of the movie! How, intrinsically, the movie's theme could be expressed by one word. Without being a movie made of clichés. It's love - love! Of all kinds! Love of friends, love of spouse, love between parent and children, young love, first love, second chance love, love for God, love for country - an overwhelming outburst of passion that actually, for once, makes a WONDERFUL, if utterly mushy, story.
And the music's good, too.