So there's this guy that I've been arguing with. He is extremely anti-gay. Not to the point of violence, but to the point where he wants the entire LGBT community and their supporters to stop or leave the country so that he can raise his traditional Christian family. Oh, and homosexuality is a psychological disorder (on par with pedophilia) that
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In addition, every mammal with hands, and a few without (dolphins are very creative), practices masturbation.
Finally, you assume that things are "meant to be" a certain way, but that requires someone to mean; in other words, the world had to have been intentionally set up with specific purposes in mind. While this is certainly a possibility, even if we accept it as true, how can we know what that intent was? If everything else was designed to accomplish specific purposes, why not us? Finally, even if we accept that everything, ourselves included, was designed with a specific intent in mind, why does that necessarily mean we have to agree with that intent?
Thank you for this example. If I might make an analogy, your argument is akin to saying that the law of gravity proves that the ultimate purpose of matter is to stay on the ground, and airplanes -- and birds! -- are therefore unnatural and wrong.
it is all life form's ultimate purpose to reproduce
Worker ants are sterile, but without them, the queens would starve. A species can only exist as long as some members reproduce in every generation, but that doesn't make it "unnatural" for some members not to.
those with superior, desireable genes survive and reproduce.First of all, evolution is away from, not towards. It is not that some genes are "desirable" (again, you anthropomorphize by assuming the existance of some being able to desire) and the creatures which possess them survive. Rather, some features are maladaptive (to add an extra layer of complexity, ( ... )
Why are you certain they will be? Rather, since all things end, why are you certain that we won't be gone before they are?
An example of that, let's say, would be a woman living in a Katrina flood zone who no longer has access to birth control pills. Since that convenience has been taken away by nature, she will either have to refrain from sex so she won't become pregnant or let nature take its course and risk pregnancy should she still have sex.
Certainly, the definition of adaptive behavior changes as the environment does, so the disappearance of birth control pills would necessitate a change in behavior for many people, just as the invention of birth control pills allowed a change in behavior in the 1960s. But what matters is the environment in which we live now, because there are an infinite number of hypothetical future environments and we cannot simultaneously prepare for all of them.
No harsh tones, just mere observation. I'm simply a thinker, nothing else. =)
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