(no subject)

Sep 21, 2005 16:54

LJ Interests meme results

  1. being kinky:
    Yeah, so, ummmm...I'm a rather kinky girl. I won't go into detail, though, cause some people get offended by that sort of thing. However, see also #8.
  2. dmb:
    Stands for Dave Matthews Band. I really don't listen to them as much as I used to, but I love everything they've put out through the 90's.
  3. friends:
    I like friends and "Friends". I'd pick friends over "Friends" if I had to, though.
  4. homestar runner:
    Homestarrunner.net...it's dot com! The funniest site on the web. I don't mind profanity, sex, or violence but they are hilarious even without that stuff. I think that's pretty amazing in today's society.
  5. mexican food:
    I love me some Casa Lopez. I like Taco Bell, too. But I'm trying to eat healthy, so my taco consumption is somewhat limited as of late. Then again, I just had Toxic Hell for lunch, so...
  6. organ:
    My undergrad was in organ performance (trust me, I've heard all the jokes...multiple times. Heh, multiple times.) Anyway, I'm also the organist at 1st United Methodist. Music is a great way to earn extra money, but I decided not to do it full-time.
  7. radiohead:
    Radiohead = the best band EVAR!! Go listen to everything they've ever done. Right now! :)
  8. secretary:
    Okay, Secretary is a movie starring James Spader and Maggie Gyllenhaal in a very...interesting sort of relationship. I like it. A lot.
  9. system of a down:
    System of a Down is another band that I really love. I really need to get their latest album. I'm such a slacker.
  10. video games:
    I like a lot of different games. Favorites include Final Fantasy, any Mario Games, GTA, MGS...I don't really like fighting or sports games. Right now in my apartment I have NES, SNES, Gamecube, and PS2. Come over and let's video gaming! :)

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