Yearly Update .. or Todd rambles a bit. LOL

Nov 30, 2009 01:35

So yeah .. thought i might as well write something because I had some coffee earlier and am now awake watching Liverpool v Everton and listening to music.

What's been going on?

I just finished Certificate IV Human Resources at Ultimo TAFE. I should get my results sometime in the coming weeks. It was really good to study something that actually interests me .. I can't remember when I last felt that way about learning something in an institutional learning environment. I am sure it wasn't when I was at Uni .. so that says a lot about the courses I did there. Currently I am looking at doing the Diploma next year.

I met some interesting people through the course, but am unsure how many I will actually stay in contact with. Some of them will be doing the Diploma first session next year, so I guess I will see them then at least, the teachers as well. It felt really good to be in an environment where people respected my opinions and some even looked to me for leadership and to provide them with help. It really made me feel good.

In regards to where I am living, I couldn't see myself being much happier. Not since living in Croydon have I felt more at home. The love and support that I have from my housemates is incredible. I have already been blessed with a Loving and Caring family, but here in Marrickville I have another Loving and Caring family. I probably don't let everyone here know how much I love and care about them and appreciate all that they have done for me over the last year. But I really do appreciate it, especially Dion and Jyan who I rely on for so much. I have also been blessed in having my Friendship with James somewhat rekindled and meeting and becoming great friends with Darren. On the whole a great place to live!

My therapy has been coming along nicely as well, and if not for the gentle pushing and prodding from Jyan to actually go, I would not like to think about where I would be currently. That said, I still have a long way to go, but I am at least being realistic about where I currently am and taking each step as it comes.

What's the next Step?

Well, I made a promise to myself to concentrate on my mental health and passing my TAFE course for the last part of this year, which seems to have gone well. But in doing so, I also made a promise to myself that once TAFE was over, and depending on where I was emotionally, I would make an effort to try to lose some weight and exercise a bit. So starting tomorrow it is time to recharge the Wii Balance Board, break out wii fit and set a few goals. Also, Dion will be lending me his Ipod so I can amuse myself as I start a walking routine. Once I get into a good habit I can then look to other avenues, but this is a start. So that covers the exercise.

I think I also need to find something creative to do as well. Maybe I'll look at doing some writing. I have had a bit of a project in the works for a while, and maybe the environment that I find myself in will be ideal to work on it. Who knows?

So yeah .. there's a bit of an update for those of you I haven't seen for a while or even those I have, whatever. I might even try to keep some form of summer journal here to keep my brain in working order. LOL
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