7.05 - Shut Up, Dr. Phil

Oct 23, 2011 14:22

This was certainly an interesting and… gory episode. Not to mention nauseating, lol. What with the one chick getting her brain fried out, the guy getting nail-gunned to death (and in the eyes… ew!), and the girl with the bleeding cupcakes? That was really bad. I had a hard time watching that one, lol.

I don’t think Dean has to worry about dying at the hands of a supernatural creature or monster in the future - or considering this season’s big bad, the Leviathans - I think he’ll only have to worry about giving himself cirrhosis of the liver. He has been drinking a lot lately. I know Sam knows something is up, he keeps trying to get Dean to open up, but he just shoots him down. In a way, it is a bit one-sided of Dean, considering the past few seasons he kept prodding Sam to open up about things that were bothering him.

(And who’s all with me that sweaty!Jared was hot! Why oh why Lord can’t that be running by my house??)

I really loved the plot on this eppy, with the feuding Mr. and Mrs. Witch. James and Charisma really pulled it off. :-) For a time, I thought Sue was one of the ones committing the crimes too, but it was actually the husband, and their marriage “issues” going back to the Renaissance, lol. The boys almost didn’t have chance against them, but I’m glad that Don helped them with the Leviathan, despite the fact that Maggie was still trying to kill the boys.

So if bullets and spells don’t work on them, what will?

I was looking them up and came across this page on Wikipedia. Don’t laugh, they have to be right at something, lol. Here is the link:

And something I found interesting in one of the interpretations: “Leviathan became associated with, and may originally have referred to, the visual motif of the Hellmouth, a monstrous animal into whose mouth the damned disappear at the Last Judgement, found in Anglo-Saxon art from about 800, and later all over Europe.”

They’ve also been described as a serpent, which is interesting considering their mouth is almost serpent-like.

review, supernatural

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