My workgroup members are sooo... hardworking. lol. I ran and escaped out of YM for a bit since I'm getting a headache discussing things like... thoracic spondylosis (sheesh what a mouthful!) and er, constipation. Bleargh. It's a Sunday! We should rest!
Sigh. I wonder why I'm not obsessive on things that should matter. D;
My Akame blood is boiling once again (not that it ever stopped lol) after seeing so much activity in the fandom and fangirl friends making posts about them. I've never properly talked about Akame even though I randomly go AK flaily. Fellow Akame rabid fangirls and some non-AK fans that I've been bombarding with translations already know this (yes,
c0rin , you). But still I'm posting just to show that THERE ARE basis for fanning Akame and not just delusions cooked up by fangirls. They exist. (Or existed? :p)
Since the beginning Akame were presented to me as a package (Gokusen 2) and no matter how much the Jimusho tried to split them later, they'll always be a twosome to me, lol.
Let me start with screencaps (with translations. So it's just not random eye contact or smile, okay? lol)
KT's Kyakusama Concert (first concert) during Member's introduction. Kame's rap:
Shounen Club Junior's battle
Utawara Dance battle. Jin's introduction:
And I believe there are a couple of magazines where Kame signed off as Akanishi Kazuya?
Now to random quotes that I like.
August 2000 (Duet)
Jin: "I still clearly remember my first meeting with Kame; it was at the audition at the Jimusho. He was in a blue sports attire, I was wearing jeans."
Kame: "It was Jin who started our conversation. At that time I thought he looked a lot like Takizawa [Hideaki; their senpai]."
Jin: "At that time we were still using formal speech to talk to each other. *laughs* Later, since we lived so close, we often went to dance rehearsals together and even went home together."
Kame: "Maybe it's because we lived so close, we often went out to play, shop, watch movies... And go to Jin's home by bike."
- March 2002 (Myojo):
Jin was talking about 17 years of his life. In the end he said “I won’t forget to thank people around me: my family, staff, fans… and Kame!"
Jin said that he likes people who smell nice.
Kame: "Sometimes I forget to dry myself after I bathe."
Jin: "Kame smells nice each time."
- August 2003 (Potato):
'KAT-TUN’S 30 Mysteries', Jin’s turn:
Question: Is there something you want to ask a member?
Jin: "Kame, actually you like me, right?"
To which Kame replied, "Yes... But as a member!"
(lol defensive much?)
- 2005 November (Potato)
The question was "What's the one thing that you can't bear to throw away?"
Kame: A T-shirt Akanishi and I DIY-ed, when we went to Okinawa to film for a program. I want to treasure items that can represent memories.
And linking
this because it's adorable. ♥
A couple of gifs showing Akame to be both very very jealous people. lol.
credit to
newshfan ,
bakanosekai for the subbed videos, XQ for the gifs and translations from... everywhere. x_x (If you translated these, poke me and I'll properly credit!)
In 2007, Kame talked about Jinny on KTS. And what a song to pick as background music. LOVE or LIKE. lol.
- August 2002 (Duet):
During the performances of SHOCK, Kame couldn’t eat so he became very thin. Therefore Jin kept making appointments to eat with him at that time.
- The new song “LOVE or LIKE” (written by Akanishi) had to be performed during a performance, but because Jin couldn’t finish writing the lyrics in time, he was feeling down. Kame comforted him, saying “Those [lyrics] are written very well, aren't they…”
Anyone want fanfic recommendations? lol. I really like this:
See a Better Time (not because of the pron, okay? xD It's really good... but you need to read the interview that was also linked :))
So that's it for Akame. There are more of course but this is too long already. lol. Not that I'm forcing anyone to be a fan with this post (but if you became one, then... yay! haha) I'm really sad they won't be appearing in the new Gokusen even though I am still looking forward to it. I miss Hayato and Ryu. Hayatooooooooo! Ryuuuuuuuuuu! Sigh. Oh and Shin OF COURSE.
Ah how pathetic that I can write this long about fandom but can't even produce a paragraph I need for work. (>.<) Okay back to RL. :(
Have a good week!