Why KoyaShige? Why?? T.T
Just watched Aug 3, 2008 Shounen Club Episode
- Tsubasa danced so freakin' sexy
- KoyaShige NEWS song medley... love the dorky Chirarizumu dance
- Juniors game and haha at the gyaru phone talk
- Yamada being all pretty and dancing so... pretty. lol
- Established that Shige pretty much lacks on MC-ing xD
- Closing song: NAMI
Daaaamn. I so did not expect that. It got me tearing up. >.>
KoyaShige introduced it by saying they heard it backstage as Juniors and thought it's a beautiful song so now they want to sing it. So they did. Then they left the stage and 4 Hey Say Jump members suddenly came out to continue... (I only know Yamada and Chinen x_x)
But- but... Nami... ;O
I want 4TOPS!!! TOMAPI!!!
Thank gad i was not yet a fan when they were broken apart or else I would probably really hate NEWS
Now THAT ^ is Nami!
Johnny (or Mary or whoever) receive my million years worth of stinking bad vibes!
areea_chan dear please give me a happy 4tops pimp?? T.T)
*goes off to emo*