I tried out
TrustFlow II for LiveJournal. The following people not on the friends list for
princess_rei are close by:
- arjorie_roberts, promethiusbob (0 - 50)
- yoda_999, sexualexasty, lycanthrope_exe, duralyon, sunzylle, moonsparkles, thegadjits, grievis, xxxbandgeekxxx, aduial_eternal, skindiver, baristaside, lhiannansidhe, firus, iceman20, masstreble (50 - 100)
- naturalbeauty, fiara_dracon, laina_inverse, corkyisawesome, cupidonangel, moriquendi, mathgod, raiblu, arctic_puma, gabriel_angel, in_a_silent_way, gerek, guido_jacobs, dark_kami_ukyo (100 - 150)
- roguefox89, souless_reject, psycho_poet, kawaiihana, 2_gryphon, inserian, drackonis, comebybutterfly, scabage, kokeley, alaskaarmybrat, devriatedseptum, jandn1502, subeanuh, peekaboo_77, kinky_lid, skybluelife, justike, oryano, pacogurl, sk8erdude420, punkychick04, spunxie, lilnickels, bash, iloveforks, blackwingdragon, lukki, maxitude, lestarot, mini_mike (150 - 200)
- the_dragon_king, sweet_nevermore, dork_63, chainsaw_girl, bakaden, delishka, kagomechan, satougaki, midnitekiss, qain, shadowdrake, granola_stalker, fire_fox180, dark_natasha, dragon_usa, i_rape_sporks, hungsolo, craftyran, shorty_demon, deeisfrog, tobioli, peroxide_dream (200 - 250)
- scuba_ducky, akpunk_357, thezack, krista_wista, aquachem, 0rcinus, brushfire_fox, shanethesiqqual, weremage, neouka, bandoiruka, dolphium, aradiaphin, darkblaze, rover209 (250 - 300)
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TrustFlow II: Who is closest to your friends