Aside from being completely broke due to not getting any hours at work, things are awesome. Even living with the ex-boyfriend has been fun so far. He makes me laugh all the time, even when he's acting slightly jealous. Case in point: There's this actor who played a little part in a big name movie and various parts in TV commercials who I found on a networking site and talked with him online the other day. Now every time I see his commercials I stop what I'm doing and watch and Jon's like "You like him!" Then I bring up that he's married. He goes on, "You have a crush on him!" I acknowledge that I think he's cute. Then he continues bugging me and says, "You want to know him."
Finally I give in and respond suggestively, "In a biblical sense!" Then we both laughed hysterically.
Also every time I go out he asks me if I made out with anyone. He's joking, but I know he's also just checking up on me. I'm a little afraid of what his response will be if and when I say that I did.
Right now I'm working on Charles and Darwin again. I wish I was doing the comic during their namesake's 100th birthday, which was in February. I would have loved to give a little tip of the hat towards him in a strip because I hold the man in such high regard. But as of right now I have a handful of strips I'll be working on in the next few weeks. I'm not sure if I want to try and continue it as a weekly web-publication or try and turn it into bi-weekly just so I can put the time into them that I want to. I feel that the more I work on the comic, the more efficient I'll become but as of right now, I do put a good amount of time and effort into each one and it's easy to burn out.
I really haven't been able to do much art lately but I did manage to crank out this little speedpaint the other night when I finally brought my computer over to the new place:

I'm sure there are a ton of other things I want to write about but my comic is waiting and I don't want to put it off for too long. Until next time.....