Nov 09, 2005 01:22
Here are a few facts about Kissing that everyone should know..
People with crooked teeth kiss better than people with straight teeth
When you chew gum before you kiss, It actually makes your breath smell worse than before because of your salivary glands
Mints work much better.
It is much more romantic to kiss us in a fancy restaurant or under the stars than to kiss in your disgusting bedroom or in the movie theaters
Just because a guy kisses you every 10 minutes doesn't mean he's using you...he's just a little horny ;)
And there's no problem with that!
It has been proven that when people with the same hair color kiss, it is more romantic than that of a different hair color (We don't know >why?)
Your first kiss isn't always the best kiss
If you can tie a knot in a cherry with your tounge, it doesn't mean you are a good just means your tounge muscle is strong
Brunettes actually kiss better than blondes!
AlL gUrLs ArE nOt HoEs, AnD aLl GuYz ArE nOt PlAyAz....EvErYoNe GeTs A Lil HoRnY sOmEtImEs!
lol my personal favorite one is the bold one.. lol..