Oct 31, 2009 06:54
So my sister whose having twins is again having girls. This makes four for them. I know her husband is disappointed because he really wanted a boy but as my sister said he's just going to have to get used to it. I find it funny that in my family we have some interesting traits. But of my parents have one sibing. My mom and both of my aunts gave birth to two girls each. Odd but not overly so. What does amuse me is that in my family (my sisters an brother) they give birth to their own gender. The girls have had girls and the boy has boys. I can't wait to see what I'll have, and I already have sort of broken the tradition with having a stepson, but I don't really count it because he has nothing really to do with my family. Hell, I didn't even know Alan until Mav was 5 months old and didn't meet him until he was 3ish. So coincidences aside, it still amuses me