Apr 01, 2010 14:18
Dear Live Journal,
My friend is supposed to be a good writer that knows literature. I've known her since I was around seven or eight years old. She is my best friend. However, I'm seriously doubting how well I really know her. Maybe I've overestimated her intelligence. How could she think that the Twilight Saga is "great literature?" I don't care how much you enjoy the series or think it's "creative," "unique," or "fun to read." There is no way it can compare to sagas such as "Lord of the Rings" or Shakespeare's works. And before you spout the nonsense of something being "great literature," you should really define the criteria. If its "great" merely because you like it, well, your opinion means shit. That is a ridiculous scale for greatness. True, I've only read the first book, but I can tell from that one novel that Meyer is not a great writer. She is still a popular one, and that should be enough for Twilight fans. By the way, popularity does not equate greatness in my scale!
Love from me,