Dear Live Journal,
Lately, my friends have been making me sad, which is a strange feat considering I don't see any of them in real life (at least not that often).
It's just the same story. People are too busy and caught up in their own drama-filled lives to remember promises that were made. I feel let down and abadoned. My friends say they will do things, and then they don't. For example, I've asked my best friend to do some work in our book groups because she is a co-owner. She is supposed to be helping me out there, but she never does anything! I always end up doing all the work, and it's too time-consuming for one person. I rely on this same friend for a lot of help in extracurricular activities online, such as my
Sailor Moon Role Playing Group. Yet, I am always the one recruiting the new members when players leave. Then when she finally does something, it comes out as a half-ass job! Why even bother doing something for me if you are not going to put any heart into the project?
It's not that this friend (or others) don't have free time. They are often online chatting, playing app games, writing reviews, or messing around on Facebook. As far as priorities go, I am toward the bottom of that list. Hell, games like Super Poke Pets and Sorority Life are getting more time and attention from my friends then me. That realization is truly disheartening.
I know this journal entry is all about complaints, sadness, and anger, but I really needed to vent the frustrations somewhere. The emptiness of the Internet seemed like the perfect forum.
I've been feeling like a lost ship that's about to be dashed against the rocky shores of a nearby island. I sure wish someone else would step up to the helm and take control. Alas, as usual, I will be the captain, the crew, and the ship itself. Let's just hope I don't start to suffer from a psychological disorder with all these responsibilities on my rather small shoulders.
Love from me,