OOC: Testing!

Dec 13, 2006 03:13

Name/Nickname: Iya
Contact Info: AIM: gekidasadaze, Y!M: butterfly_ethelion, MSN Messenger: wolfgirl_iya (at) hotmail (dot) com
Personal LJ: http://x-anzu-x.livejournal.com

Character: Tachibana Ann
Series: The Prince of Tennis
Background: Younger sister of tennis team captain Tachibana Kippei, 13 year old Ann is a normal girl who studies at Fudomine Chuu as a Junior. She is quite the tennis enthusiast, being a regular member of the girls' tennis club, and likes to frequent the street tennis courts, sometimes accompanied by her brother's friend, Kamio Akira (who may or may not have a major crush on her).
Personality: Ann is a friendly, outgoing, and sweet girl, mature for her age and very caring, especially when it comes to her friends and family. She is somewhat of a tomboy and is unafraid of standing up to others (She rescued Sakuno from a bully during the Fudoumine vs Seigaku matches). Despite her personality, Ann has no qualms about wearing miniskirts, tube tops, and other more feminine clothes. She is also always seen wearing a pair of barettes. On the flip side, she has a horrible temper when anyone manages to harm the people she holds dear (i.e.: Kirihara injuring her brother). She can also be sly, and is quite capable of setting up semi-complex plots (see: It's a Date episode). Ann tends to be a tad shy with the people she likes (i.e.: Momo) and when asked, will be quick to deny any romantic feelings she has for anyone. Ann likes being independent and dislikes it when people address her as "Tachibana's little sister."
How your character ended up with a Death Note: After changing out of practice clothes and into casual wear, Ann was surprised to find a strange black notebook in her locker. Curious--she's never seen it before--Ann picks it up...
Character's alias: Princess (The name "Ann" was often favored by royalty, so her alias is nothing but fitting. ;D)

Sample entry:
Oh, hey. My name is Tach-- Ah, wait a minute, er, the Death Note, I forgot... Call me Princess. It's nice to meet you!

Shinigami-kun said that this place is Evensia, right? I have a feeling that I don't really belong here...Everyone seems so paranoid and some people won't even speak to me. And this notebook... Is it for real? Why would I want to kill anyone?

...Um, well, I guess it seems pretty nice here, all things considered. Shinigami-kun said that this is my house from now on. It's cute, but I think I'll want to decorate it a bit. (Maybe replace those drab looking curtains?)

Shinigami-kun told me I have a brother. I wonder if he's been brought here too. I'll try looking for him, but it might be difficult since all I know is his name... Ah well, it's a start!


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