(no subject)

Jan 01, 2005 21:56

since dj told me to undate my journal i thought maybe since i havent in like 6 months maybe i should say a little something...

even though there is not really anything fun going on in my life right now i dont have a clue of what to write about, well i guess i just had my 20th b-day nothing really great my mom got me a 100$ gift card for vicky secerts so i did a little shopping there well i guess a lot, i told my mom i never shop there i have to reason to i dont want to spend 20-50$ on just one bra when i can go to kolhs where i work and get on for like 10$ with my discount, speaking of that place i am so so happy x-mas shopping is over with i was just about to kill people god i swear teen age girls are just pigs (oh i work in the junior dept) since i have always wanted to work in retail and anything like that i thought that would be a great job sure i love it most of the time but some days i just want to freak out on people i mean come on u cant get a fucking shirt off the wall by your self and can not even look for anything by themselves...just makes me sick, hmm....gosh hunter is getting so big hes just about 11 months old now and wow went by fast, hes saying baba for bottle, mama, dada, he cant say no but he shakes his head no almost walking i know one of these days he will be....he had his 1st x-mas and he loved it everytime we would start to help him open something he would start screaming it was so cute then we would go and play with his new toy right away...i didnt do anything for new years eve had to work until 8 got home watched some tv and went to bed didnt even stay up till midnite, well since i had to work right away the next morning didnt help any, but hey i guess next year i will be 21 so maybe i will go out...kari is home for break we wants me to come see her sometime before she goes back home because she has something for hunter so we are going tomorrow (sunday) then to go see dj sometime that day well i hope hes at his moms house maybe i should call there sometime tomorrow to make sure if not i will just have to drive up there sometime again that week i guess...i dont really know what else to write well if something fun happens i will write but i dont think so nothing ever happens here so if just might be another 6 months or something...oh i know my mom wants to to get into the tech school here in eau claire but god knows there no classes there i want to take at least not yet anyway, well thats about it for now byes
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