Sep 22, 2014 15:08
(I'm toying with the idea of starting a running blog, but I don't have the time to set it all up right now, so for now, I write here. Although suggestions on what to name a running blog are welcome!)
Last week I officially started my training for my first 10k race. I'm not hoping to set any land speed records, I just want to be able to say I did it. I'm following Hal Higdon's novice 10k plan, slightly modified.
Here's how my week went:
Scheduled - strength. Actual - rest.
I find it hard to justify going to the gym simply to lift. Maybe I can walk for a bit to get my heart rate up before lifting?
Scheduled - 2.5 miles. Actual - 2.5 miles/12:30 pace
I was freaking out about this run. Since the sun doesn't come up until much later now and I'm not at all comfortable running in the dark, I have to rely on the treadmill to run in the morning (yes I know I can run in the evenings, but many nights I don't have time, and I try not to take much time away from my family time as possible). I had struggled big time with the treadmill. I just couldn't find a rhythm, ended each run in pain, and found I was running much slower than normal. I thought people who said treadmill running was easier than road running were full of crap.
So Monday morning I was NOT looking forward to this run. I decided to take a look at my pace for my 5k race that weekend and see if I could maintain that on the treadmill. This meant speeding it up about .5-1 mph faster than I'd run on the machine before. Guess what? I ended the run in zero pain and had my best training run pace ever. So yeah. I wasn't running fast enough. Oy.
Scheduled - 30 minutes cross training. Actual - rest.
The baby was sick and I got very little sleep that night, so getting up at 5am to tackle the arc trainer just wasn't gonna happen. And I didn't go that evening because I was starting to feel it, too. So I got a good night's sleep and tried the next day.
Scheduled - 2 miles and strength. Actual - 30 minutes arc trainer and strength (push/pull)
For whatever reason, the illness seemed to have skipped me, although Tim was home sick. I took advantage of his sick day and Abby's rare morning nap to to the gym at 10 am instead of my usual time. I caught up on my Daily Show viewing, did a bit of lifting, and just had a nice, relaxing time at the gym, if there can be such a thing.
Scheduled - rest. Actual - 2 miles/12:25 pace
For real, treadmill running is the Plus also, Daily Show watching. I could get used to watching tv AND working out at the same time.
Scheduled - 40 minutes cross training. Actual - 40 minutes arc trainer and strength (legs)
Watched a Mad Men episode. I'm ten episodes in now (yes, I know. I'm late to the game) and I'm completely hooked. Also, Pete Campbell is a complete douche canoe.
Scheduled - 3 miles. Actual - 3.29 miles/13:11 pace.
I felt really good running this, and thought I'd be well under a 13 minute per mile pace. But alas, I was not. I have to work on pushing myself during road runs now that I'm starting to get used to a treadmill controlling my pace. It was still a nice way to start my weekend, regardless of my pace.
I'm thinking about veering from my plan a bit and running 6 miles this weekend just to get an idea of where I'm at, but I will trust that this training plan will get me where I need to be on race day. I won't push myself more than I need to and I'll build my mileage gradually!
Less than two weeks until the Twin Cities 5k (which I'll be doing "with" my sisters). Maybe next year I'll do the 10 mile??