Mar 09, 2009 09:16
The kitty is sick and tired of letting Roxie run the house. She sleeps with us on the bed at night now, and isn't quiet about it. She meows ALL FREAKIN NIGHT LONG just to torture the dog, I'm sure, who's locked in her kennel on the other side of the room!!
When I get home from work, Kitty is usually laying on the bed again. Now here is where the real problem comes in. When I get home from work, I let the dog out, then when we are back inside, I go in the bedroom, change, and play with the dog ... on the bed. When the dog jumps up on the bed, the kitty hisses terribly loud and makes the dog cower and run to me for protection.
No big deal, you say. The cat was on the bed first, you say.
Ok, well on Saturday, Tim and I were sitting on the living room couches, couches that the cat has never slept on. The dog was with us, laying on an afghan that the cat has never laid on. The cat came into the living room, put her paws up on the afghan that the dog was laying on, and let out the most evil hiss I've ever heard from her!
Then she got down and went back downstairs.
Kitty has been spending more and more time in close proximity to the dog, so the dog has spent more time being choked by us as we grab her collar in an attempt to keep her from chasing the cat. I think we may have spent too much time trying to keep the dog away from the cat, which has made the cat think she can go anywhere in the house without reprocussion from the dog.
I've decided that I've had it. As long as the dog doesn't eat the kitty poo or the kitty's food, I don't care where the dog goes or where she chases the cat to. It's freakin ridiculous!!!
Now I just have to come up with a solution to the fact that the dog has been eating racoon poo.
puppy/kitty relations