*glomps The Pretty* They need to release series 2 right now. This very moment. I can't wait any longer, I needs to see it, and the spoilers are starting to look more tempting by the day (willnotlookatthem willnotlookatthem willnotlookatthem). I'm not sure I can resist much longer (oh, and I literally squeaked when I saw all of these. I tried not to, it didn't work. And I'm telling you, that pic's not even the best one)
Awww, glad the exams are almost done tho. The first proper one (ie the RS) is always the worst. But you'll be better off next year, coz you will already have had one so will know what to expect, whereas other people will be going in never having sat a proper exam, and they'll be starting with a load of them rather than just having one at first to sort of ease them into it.
You're fic journal sounds... weird. Muse, McFly, and Hornblower? Now there's a mix for you. And I'd love to read your stuff, tho obviously only certain fandoms (no prizes for guessing which of the 3 I would read ^_~)
heehee ^.^ i need Series 2!!!!! i will need to re-borrow BSG dvds after i come back from Malaysia, cos i will have forgotten what they were all about. but i must not forget Jamie, which i s why i will collect many of the bestest pictures (inc that one above) and print them off and take them with me. plus i will find computers while i'm out there and check LJ, obviously.
Me too, phew. only one more! but its maths! but i have 3 hours revision time tomorrow morning, so that's goooood. It was scary, but yes its true. it will help. so many people did RS, it left about 30 people in the gym or something crazy like that. Lizzie doesn't do it, but she had her spanish, so the GCSE first is ok for her too.
it does looking at what i typed. a very strange mix indeed. My stuff won't be very good, well i've never written HH/AK (what...no prizes? >.< ) before so it should be interesting. it won't be anything above R to begin with tho. probably PG-13 :P mainly cute stuff. but you never know.
You need series 2? I need series 2. I've been waiting over a year for series 2! I might possibly have found a way of copying them for you, so I will try (once I manage to get the first 2 back off Cate. Remind me never to let her borrow anything of mine again, she takes so long giving it back
( ... )
actually, i take it back. you need it waaay more than i do. they better bring it out soon, for everyone's sakes (and safety). omg! how long does it take, cos i could take it to Malaysia with me and be happy with my Jamie stuff. eeeek *huggleses* (i will, too long without your dvd is not healthy for you)
Our form had Mr Loveland, some people had Mrs Burrows, i dunno if anyone had Mrs Edwards tho. quite a lot of people from our class took it tho, which tells you something :)
i hope it'll be good, fingers crossed. I've started on one, but it was in a fit of random inspiration and i haven't found a way to carry it on yet. That would be very helpful indeedy. although i might wanna keep them as a surprise for you, so who knows. i could always ask Nancy or somebody; but yes, i'd be grateful to know you would if i needed you to. that sentence is very confusing... O.o Archie and Horatio are just the epitamy of cuteness really.
they are. and there is no need for me to go into any detail, cos we've already discussed this :P
I doooo, I needs it now, I can't wait any more, it's not fair. I have the 3rd and 4th discs (which are wonderful, coz they has Tigh Me Up Tigh Me Down, Hand of God, Colonial Day, and the deleted scenes (TOO CUTE!)), so I can try and copy them at come point over the weekend then give them to you next time I see you (coz we will have to meet some time before September. It's not right that I won't see you until then). The first 2 discs... well it just depends on when I can get them back off Cate. Knowing her, that won't be until September (by which time I'm gonna be going insane from Jamie-deprivation
( ... )
"You don't look that bad. ...not really.." *hurt face*
squeeeeee *glomps Lee* i love love LOVE that scene. omg i'd have my very own BSG dvds. *ecstatic* if you had to keep away from your tv and your computer, THEN you'de go mad. that'd be awful!!
Loveland's lessons, ah the joy. he wasn't in last week, so Penno sat in instead. did you know he has 6 brothers and 3 sisters??!?! poor parents. (we guessed they must be Catholic)
*keeps fingers crossed* i need to find what i wrote as well, its gone walkies. It's not a bad thing, i'd just feel a bit weird you beta-ing my stuff :P but thank you again. i lvoe confusing sentences ^.^
*huggles Horatio and Archie* eeek meloves them.
which is why there is no need to go into it again :P (btw, that's really cheesy....at great lengths, long replies *groan* its something Lizzie'd say.)
i might well, you never know. awwwww!!!!!!! *squees at Apollo muse* he's so cyute! me wants him ^.^ and his smile is the most gorgeous thing, EVER. aside from him, obviously.
They need to release series 2 right now. This very moment. I can't wait any longer, I needs to see it, and the spoilers are starting to look more tempting by the day (willnotlookatthem willnotlookatthem willnotlookatthem). I'm not sure I can resist much longer (oh, and I literally squeaked when I saw all of these. I tried not to, it didn't work. And I'm telling you, that pic's not even the best one)
Awww, glad the exams are almost done tho. The first proper one (ie the RS) is always the worst. But you'll be better off next year, coz you will already have had one so will know what to expect, whereas other people will be going in never having sat a proper exam, and they'll be starting with a load of them rather than just having one at first to sort of ease them into it.
You're fic journal sounds... weird. Muse, McFly, and Hornblower? Now there's a mix for you. And I'd love to read your stuff, tho obviously only certain fandoms (no prizes for guessing which of the 3 I would read ^_~)
Me too, phew. only one more! but its maths! but i have 3 hours revision time tomorrow morning, so that's goooood. It was scary, but yes its true. it will help. so many people did RS, it left about 30 people in the gym or something crazy like that. Lizzie doesn't do it, but she had her spanish, so the GCSE first is ok for her too.
it does looking at what i typed. a very strange mix indeed. My stuff won't be very good, well i've never written HH/AK (what...no prizes? >.< ) before so it should be interesting. it won't be anything above R to begin with tho. probably PG-13 :P mainly cute stuff. but you never know.
back to long replies it seems.
Our form had Mr Loveland, some people had Mrs Burrows, i dunno if anyone had Mrs Edwards tho. quite a lot of people from our class took it tho, which tells you something :)
i hope it'll be good, fingers crossed. I've started on one, but it was in a fit of random inspiration and i haven't found a way to carry it on yet. That would be very helpful indeedy. although i might wanna keep them as a surprise for you, so who knows. i could always ask Nancy or somebody; but yes, i'd be grateful to know you would if i needed you to. that sentence is very confusing... O.o
Archie and Horatio are just the epitamy of cuteness really.
they are. and there is no need for me to go into any detail, cos we've already discussed this :P
squeeeeee *glomps Lee* i love love LOVE that scene.
omg i'd have my very own BSG dvds. *ecstatic*
if you had to keep away from your tv and your computer, THEN you'de go mad. that'd be awful!!
Loveland's lessons, ah the joy. he wasn't in last week, so Penno sat in instead. did you know he has 6 brothers and 3 sisters??!?! poor parents. (we guessed they must be Catholic)
*keeps fingers crossed* i need to find what i wrote as well, its gone walkies. It's not a bad thing, i'd just feel a bit weird you beta-ing my stuff :P but thank you again. i lvoe confusing sentences ^.^
*huggles Horatio and Archie* eeek meloves them.
which is why there is no need to go into it again :P (btw, that's really cheesy....at great lengths, long replies *groan* its something Lizzie'd say.)
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