Jun 06, 2006 20:34
WOW! I was just reading over my old journal entries, and realised how fast things with Nui moved. How scary... :(
Well, its been awhile so I thought I'd better make an entry, and hopefully encourage you girls to do the same !
Well. Its was Cam's birthday yesterday, I can't believe he's 15 !!!! And today, he came off his bike, going over a ramp the height of my bellybutton (AT LEAST!!).. and cut his knee open. So Mum had to come over from work and take him to get stitches. Poor thing. I believe he is in some pain (maybe discomfort is a better word...).
Hmmm... happy to be on holidays, with no homework!
Oh, on Friday night, we went out to tea, with Pop, Lyn, Ingrid, Kim, Karen, Uncle Danny, Aunty Michelle, (my cousins ->) Josh, Jack, Holly, Mum, Cam, and Uncle Craig! It was really good to catch up with everyone, since everyone there was in QLD (except for my cousins) over Christmas.
On Sunday, we went out to Uncle Danny's and Aunty Michelle's new place... its really nice! Its such a beautiful house! We had lunch with them, and Nan, Richard and Grandma.. which was good !!
Anyways, Dennis is online now.... so I'll get going so I can stop being interrupted in thinking about what to write !!!!!! Love to everyone... sorry, I don't write you each a more personal message... hope to hear from you all soon !!!!