the video for the black eyed peas' bebot was set in 1938 in the Rizal Social Club in Stockton's Little Manila Historic Site. They consulted with us for historical accuracy, and based their production design on our historic photographs. they filmed in LA, but exteriors were filmed in the Little Manila Historic Site back home. The Rizal Social Club is one of the endangered buildings we were able to save with community support last year. i wish we had all been there for the filming, but we were in Hawaii for the FANHS conference. thank you to apl and the black eyed peas, and director patricio ginelsa, for their support of the preservation of little manila. who knew that ten years ago, when we all used to hang out with apl, wil and taboo and kiwi at the foundation funkollectives in L.A., that we'd all work together like this. salamats.