nonsense... ;-)

Feb 16, 2005 13:18

well after i updated yeseterday, i finally ended up finding dominique... we chilled for awhile until chris got out of class... then we left...

i get home yesterday to find an im from laura telling me that she was going to the Jackson Outlets with her mom and Melanie and she was wondering if i wanted to meet her there cause she wanted to hang out and we haven't seen eachother in about 3 years now... so i met them at Carter's and i must say that Melanie is the cutest angel that i have ever seen... she's soo well behaved and such a cutie... it seems like just yesterday we were talking online and she was telling me how she thinks she was having contractions and now 9 months later she has a beautiful baby girl who will be a year old in may... i must say she def. looks like laura... i've never met jay but i know she has the facial features and expressions of laura... so yea... we had an awesome time... it was really good seeing her again...

other than that, nothing much going on today... gonna head to the mall and do some shopping... the gift i got mike finally came in the mail but i gotta return it cause it's damaged and i didn't like how it looked anyway... it looked nicer on the website... so not only did it come later then i was originally told, but it was damaged... so i decided that i'm done with ordering merchandise off of store website because most of the time it's delivered but damaged... gah, people piss me off... haha... anyway... i'm gonna finish watching tv...


HAPPY ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY TO THE TWO MOST WONDERFUL PEOPLE IN THE WORLD, MY TWO BESTEST FRIENDS -- DOM AND CHRIS... and i hope you have many more wonderful years of happiness together...
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