Dec 07, 2004 01:32
Feeling sort of....numb at the moment. I can't quite put it into words. I'm a little pissed at myself for not seriously cracking down to study yet and I'm just a little bummed at the world....I mean, how can some people be so heartless?? Some people just don't stop to think about others while others go out of the way to make those people happy. It's a vicious cycle I tell ya and I'm sick of being a part of it! I wish I was bolder and able to speak my mind more and stick up for people,, no making excuses, this is just something else that I'm going to have to work on. Now don't go thinking this is about you - it's just a generalization I'm making...
Sheesh, I haven't written a real entry in quite some time and I think writing more would probably be beneficial. It's good to hear yourself say/type things - it serves as a sort of a validation of what's going on in your head. I'm sort of in a random/rambly mood where my mind is kind of racing about all kinds of things. I'm definitely in no condition to do any studying so I thought I'd do a bit of an update in the ol' LJ before bed...
Fall semester classes are finally OVER! I also had my last Connections seminar today which was actually a little sad. I couldn't wait for it to finally be over, but we had such a nice time today with TV's group. I just wish I had been a better mentor to my Connections peeps - I feel now like I gave them the shaft even though they gave up on me way before I gave up on them... But my name is Diana, and I've always been extra hard on myself - it's just in my nature.
Now that classes are over, I need to start focusing more energy on studying. Now, I know on the outside a lot of people probably think I'm this great student and all (or maybe I'm even giving myself and my acting abilities too much credit there), but I lack much self-discipline and motivation. My classes this semester, particularly my MTH 302 class, required much more of me than I was willing to turn, I'm going to suffer through the finals and probably get some pathedic grades. At this point though, I've just stopped caring. At this point, I just can't wait to get away from everything Oakland for awhile and relax and enjoy some time away to recharge.
My bed is beginning to call my name, so I'm going to wrap this up... Even though my future is still quite fuzzy, I know that I have much to look forward to and I have so many great people around me that will be there for the ride. I know I don't say it enough in person, but I love you all! I hope that everyone has a safe and very happy holidays! I will miss you guys bunches, but I'm sure I'll see many of you online still! :-P And hey, I'm going to be around for another week, so you best stop by to say goodbye before you leave! Hokay, so, Goodnight everyone!