but not for long...:(
I have had a busy weekend. Friday night, I forget what happend, it feels so long ago...OH I think I worked on homework cuz I was wanting to go to my cousins gymnastics meet...but I didn't make it. I DID go to babysit them while their parents, their mom my first cousin, were at a Valentines Banquet at their church. Everybody from the host to my cousins thanked up a million times and it was my priviledge. I LOOOOOOOOVE My little 2nd cousins. They are so precious. I think the girls (Abigal, 8, Isarai 6, Shoshanna, 3) are going to come over here Friday and stay the night and then I will take them back and watch their gymnastics meet this weekend. Then Sunday it was church, finally finishing my paper that had been plaguing me for days and we went out to dinner. Then today both my parents were home for President's Day so we cleaned in the a.m. and then shopping in the afternoon and I've been working on my lj for the last few hours. I really needed to do homework, but tomorrow starts the real focusing, so might as well get it out now. blech :P
This is everybody...but Abigal. =( I'll many more this weekend...and IF I'm good maybe I'll find time to post them really quick...but knowing my record, don't count on it. =( *sniffles* Not being disciplined and doing what you're supposed to by the deadline SUCKS cuz consequences are UGLY! =```(
Isarai and ShoshannaEzekial and PhineasAdorable Zeke's hugging Ravi