Jul 01, 2004 11:37
in the library's comp lab while i'm in between classes. i hate tues and thurs... so boring cause my stupid stats class. i really don't like this class. it's not because the material is boring because i've already learned this stuff in high school, but the prof is really lame! she made this comment on the first day of lecture, "if you guys don't turn off your cellphones, i'm going to call the police." i mean who deemed her the law maker that having cellphones in class is crime? so she claims that having cellphones on in class is against school policy, and there would be a fine. but how come all the other profs don't mention it? how come i've never heard about this for the past two years?! plus, the prof assigns hw on stuff we haven't even learned yet. anyway, the boring t.a. doesn't make up for it either. i mean it's nice that gives us answers to some of the hw probs in discussion, but she has the fob accent and it drives me nuts! cause i don't like it. i know this entry is kinda mean, but i thought i just vent. hehe ^.^
on the other hand, ls 4 has been great. i really like the prof cause he's really organized in his lectures. i'm a stickler for organization. and the t.a. is super cool. he gave us candy during our first discussion. and it didn't even feel like it was two hours long.
kaplan class has been just ok. since the material we go over is like a review it's like three-hour review session twice a week. better make it worthwhile cause it's so freakin' expensive. i feel like i'm spending a lot of my parents' money this summer with the kaplan class and summer school and getting new furniture for my bedroom at home (cause i'm moving into apt this summer.) ::sigh:: oh well.... what can i do, right?
i'm so excited about moving into my apt this summer! just in one week. it's gonna be so much fun. too bad i'll only be there for about a month, then my subletter will come and i'll be down in sd for about two weeks. but that should be fun, then i'll be in the sc area for about a week... then a week or two of break and then school again. no time to rest... but hey, i always time to hang out. there are so many movies i wanna see this summer. ::sigh:: better get to to it! ^.^ k, latez~
p.s.- i wanna go on vaca... or a road trip! definitely have to plan one for post grad!