Mar 01, 2005 02:05
As I feared the past has come back to haunt me. It wasn't supposed to hurt this much, but it does. It also could hurt one hell of a lot more, I could be hysterical and I'm not. Who knew a photo could cause me to sit with my mouth dropped open, eyes wide, and heart pounding. I've known of what's been going on between the two of them for some time now yet a photo of them together still brings me to tears. I now know that he's been back to visit and didn't bother to call me. Who knows maybe he's still here but I wont hold my breath waiting for his call. I don't want to hear from him and I don't want to see him ever again. I wont let him hurt me again. A lot of the emotion just came rushing back and I felt utterly helpless when I saw the photo though. for a split second I was sent back to when I had first found out he was cheating on me and using me.
I know I don't deserve what happend because I would have done anything for him. A small part of me still misses him even though he treated me like shit. I'll move on and I'm ready to but the truth still hurts.