who the fuck is Lily

May 05, 2008 20:36

so here is the next installment of 'Who the fuck is Lily?". I know it's been a while and I'm really sorry, but I've only recently moved house and still don't have the internet. I'm using dad's at the moment. Anyways, on with the story.

Part the tenth

I was still sitting on the bed wide-eyed and seriously fucking horny (not to mention a little confused) when Ryan came into the room. He stood near the doorway looking at me without really looking at me. I think something about me made him uncomfortable.

"So..." he began, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly. I didn't say anything. I think I was still too stunned by the almost-kiss, if that's even what it was. Maybe it was all in my imagination.

"How did it go?" Ryan asked after a long moment. I looked at him and tried to gather my thoughts. It wouldn't do to go blurting things out to Ryan before figuring things out with Bam.

"It was okay. We talked. He's got some things to work through, I guess. So do I. but I think it's all gonna be okay," I answered. Ryan nodded his head slowly, still looking uncomfortable. Aside from the fact that we'd hardly spoken two words to one another up til that moment, I couldn't figure out what was making Ryan appear so awkward in my presence. Then he spoke and it answered my silent question.

"Look Ville I know you and I don't really talk much but... I've seen the way you look at Bam,"

I sucked in a sharp breath and stared hard at the floor in an attempt to hide my emotions.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled.

"That's bullshit, Ville. And I've seen the way Bam looks at you when he thinks nobody's watching,"

That made me look up.

"Really?" I asked, hating how hopeful my voice sounded.

"Yep. And the way he talks about you like you hung the Goddamn moon,"

I could feel the smile creeping over my face and couldn't seem to stop it.

"So I just wanted to let you know that if you guys decide to... uh... get... uh... aw fuck it, I'm so bad at this shit. What I'm trynna say is that I'm okay with it," he finally got the words out.

"Thanks Ryan. It means a lot to me and I'm sure it will mean a lot to Bam if we do ever... I mean if does ever... come to... uh, that," despite my love of words I was finding it really hard to articulate myself, which Ryan seemed to find amusing. He started chuckling and I, seeing the funny side of us both speaking in riddles, joined in.

"What's so funny?" I turned to see Bam standing in the doorway, hair wet and dressed in clothes that seemed slightly too big for him.

"Nothing!" Ryan and I answered in unison. Bam smirked at us.

"Now I know it's something,"

"Seriously dude, it's nothing. You feelin' any better?" Ryan asked, face serious.

"Yeah tonnes better, thanks man. And thanks for the lend of the clothes too, mine still smell like puke," Bam answered.

"And I bet you left them laying on the floor in my bathroom," Ryan remarked drily.

"You're damn right I did!" Bam exclaimed with a grin that made my heart stutter. Ryan just shook his head. Bam laughed and punched the red-head lightly in the arm.

"I'm outta here man. Ape's probably losing her mind worrying about me. Ville you wanna come with?" I just nodded.

"Seeya guys," Ryan said through a yawn, "we should meet up later and go skatin',"

"Awesome dude, we'll see you at the skate park," with that Bam grabbed my hand and yanked me towards Ryan's front door.

"Bye Ryan!" I called as Bam slammed the door behind us.

The walk to Bam's house was unusually quiet. I think we both had a lot to think about. Finally Bam broke the silence.

"Dude I still think we should tell someone about your aunt," I could tell by his voice that he was genuinely concerned and it made my heart ache in the sweetest way.

"Who are we gonna tell Bam?" I asked seriously, trying to keep the bitterness out of my voice.

"I dunno man, like child services or something," he replied.

"Bam, I'm 17, I'm not a child. Besides, even if I do tell them they'll probably send me home and I'm not ready to go back yet,"

"I don't want you to go back either," he looked at me thoughtfully for a long moment, then his face lit up, "I know! You can come live with me! My parents won't care, it'll be fucking awesome!" I smiled at his enthusiasm but I didn't quite agree.

"I don't know if that's a good idea, Bam,"

"Why the hell not?" he asked, sounding offended.

"Because we've got an awesome thing going and it might change if we live together,"

"But I... does that mean..." Bam trailed off and looked at his feet dejectedly.

"Does that mean...?" I prompted softly.

"Nothing," he answered. Before I had a chance to question him further I realised we were out the front of his house and the conversation was over. For the time being...

high school vam, who the fuck is lily, vam

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