Steve Irwin is dead!

Sep 05, 2006 08:49

I still can't believe Steve Irwin is dead!! I spent all afternoon crying :( I cant believe he's gone!! Steve was the biggest aussie icon and did more for australia than Russel Crow or Nicole Kidman ever did. I feel sooo proud to be an Australian and most of all a Queenslander. I never got to meet him but I did meet his daughter Bindy at the Australian Zoo in Sunshine Coast which is only 2 hours away from me and she was the cutest girl ever!! I can't believe he leaves Bindy and his 2yr old son Bob :( Its sooo sad!! Anyways he's probably the greatest Aussie ever!! He was a legend :D Does anyone know if he was top story in the states?

Oh here is my art piece for Art!! I got a picture of two gay muslim teenagers being hung and I wrote 'religion of peace' because i think its wrong to hang innocent gay people! I'll probably offend some muslims in my class but its not my fault that they hang gay teenagers in the middle east. The words in the background of the picture are the lyrics to Billie Holiday's 'Strange Fruit' which is about black americans being hung but yeah my art teacher told me to use the song and give it a different meaning so that it can relate to my work. But I have to admit my little sister basically did the whole thing for me on paint shop pro lol Well anyways I have two assignments due today so thats why im taking the morning off lol

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